How You Can Take Steps To Reduce Your Reliance On Energy

Energy saving tips that will lower your usage

Foremost on the agenda of the now ex-Prime Minister, Liz Truss, was to try and tackle the spiralling cost of energy bills.

Her tactic was to freeze the price cap, so that it stays at £2,500, rather than increasing again in January and beyond that, although only for a period of up to two years.

This will help householders to an extent, but will still leave many struggling to pay for energy.

If it doesn’t go far enough for you, Speedy has some energy-saving tips that will knock some further pounds off your bills.

Set a time limit when showering

As nice as it is to stand under a hot shower, you have to remember that it will cost you money. The longer you’re in it, the more you will pay.

By reducing your showers by just two minutes, it will cut energy costs. Try and keep your showers to five minutes long, and to help you adhere to this, start a stopwatch and set it to go off when this duration has been reached.

A shower head

Continue using your washing line

Your radiators should have been left off for most of the summer as it has been one of the driest summers we’ve ever had. Keep it that way if there are autumn and winter days that are dry and warm enough for you to hang your washing outside.

Non-use of your radiators and tumble dryer will also minimise the threat of condensation, a phenomenon caused by the building up of moisture inside a house, which can partly stem from clothes being dried on radiators and in tumble dryers.

A washing line

Buy some energy efficient windows & doors

If your existing windows and doors are incapable of keeping in the heat that comes out of your boiler, they will be wasting so much of your money and leaving you cold indoors.

New energy efficient windows and doors from Speedy will improve heat retention and cut out draughts, enhancing the internal temperature and bringing down your energy usage, which should hopefully lead to cheaper bills.

Energy efficient windows and doors

When you request a quote for energy efficient windows and doors from Speedy, you will find out that they won’t cost as much as you thought they would. Why not do just that here.


We invite you to join us at our showroom in Horsham, West Sussex, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


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